Mastery • Insight • Discipline

Black Belt Journal

Close-Up Shot of Two People Wearing Karate Gi and Black Belt

Martial Arts Mastery

Innovative Training Techniques & Equipment Reviews That Elevate

Explore, enhance, and excel in your martial arts journey with Black Belt Journal, where every technique and piece of gear is expertly reviewed to ensure you achieve your highest potential.


How We Help You Succeed…

Technique Mastery

Perfect your forms and strikes with expert breakdowns and step-by-step guides, enhancing precision and efficiency in your practice.

Equipment Reviews

Choose the best gear for your training needs with our in-depth reviews and comparisons, from uniforms to training pads

Training Strategies

Develop effective training routines with our strategies and tips that boost endurance, strength, and martial arts skills..

Self-Defense Skills

Enhance your self-defense capabilities with practical advice and techniques from our Combat Hapkido and Taekwondo expertise.

Physical Fitness

Improve your overall fitness through martial arts-specific exercises that increase flexibility, balance, and muscle strength.

Martial Arts Philosophy

Dive into the philosophical aspects of martial arts to cultivate mental discipline, respect and a deeper understanding.

Kyle Simmons


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More Than Just Martial Artists

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